karinochi / Karinachi / Vitex Negundo / Five leaved chaste tree

Karinochi/ Vitex negundo, Nirgundi in Sanskrit and Five-leaved Chaste Tree in English is a small aromatic shrub native to South and Southeast Asia.

Arthritis and rheumatism are two of the most painful and restrictive conditions that can affect people and an arthritis remedy that can help without harming is not easy to come by.

The primary use of karinochi is to relieve arthritic and rheumatic pain. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of karinochi are made use of in the preparation of Ayurvedic remedies for these conditions. It brings down swellings in joints and taking a bath in water boiled with the leaves of karinochi is an effective pain reliever for people suffering from arthritis and rheumatism.

The root of karinochi is effective against coughs and other respiratory ailments. Sleeping on a pillow stuffed with karinochi leaves relieves headaches caused by sinuses, relieves phlegm and clears the nasal passages.

The vulnerary (wound-fighting) properties of karinochi leaves, bark and roots are used to soothe skin sores, calm itching, and even as a cure for the bites of poisonous spiders and snakes. It also dispels worms and fetid discharges, disinfecting ulcers and other sores.

The juice of karinochi leaves boiled with mustard oil is an effective medicine for ear infections in children. Just the application of a couple of drops in the affected ear works wonders.

Karinochi is also used to treat several gastric troubles including stomachaches, intestinal worms, flatulence, swelling etc.

An effective pest repellent, dried leaves of karinochi are used in grain storage areas to keeps away pests. By the same measure, growing this shrub in your backyard gives you the bonus of keeping away mosquitoes.


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