KOZHUPPA CHEERA / Pursley / Portulaca oleracea

Pursley weed (Portulaca oleracea) is an annual perennial spreading herb, spreading over the ground, commonly found in wet wastelands, roadsides and as a weed in other plantations, leaves are in clusters at each stem joints, and it is small, ovate, oppositely arranged smooth, reddish green. Flowers are yellow having five petals up to 6 mm wide; appear in the morning, at any time during the year according to climate. Seeds contain in a tiny seed pod.

Medicinal uses:

Pigweed leaves are useful in the treatment of insect or snake bites, to reduce the pain due to the insect bite, skin Boils, sores, Bacillary dysentery, Diarrhoea, Haemorrhoids, Intestinal bleeding, and also capable to cure Stomachache, Headache, Painful urination, Enteritis, Dysentery, Burns, Insect stings, Earache, Skin sores Pruritus, Ulcers, Eczema, Colitis, Abscesses treat, Acute appendicitis, Dermatitis, Diabetes, Shingles, Fever, Arthritis, Diabetes. It is a rich source of vitamin- E, vitamin-C and vitamin-B.
