Thumba / Dronapushpi / Leucas aspera

Thumba is a small erect diffusely branched annual herb growing upto 60 cm in height . Grows in open , dry sandy soil , abundant in waste lands.

This plant is used for snake poison  also. Thumba leaves are excellent mosquito repellers. The juice of leaves with honey is a medicine for indigestion and stomach ache. In ayurveda it is known as 'Dhrona pushpi'. It is an excellent antipyretic. The flowers with honey is effective for coughs and cold in children.
Juices of the plant is applied externally for psoriasis , chronic skin eruptions and painful swellings . Flower is given with honey for coughs and colds . Herb is used as antipyretic.

  • Throat pain or tonsillitis:  Grind some Thumba leaves, few black pepper &  garlic 
  • Fever: 20 gms juice of Thumba leaves&10 gms black pepper powder, take it for 3-4 days             
  • For Jaundices,small foreign bodies in eyes use 2-3 drops of thumba leaves juices
  • Diabetic: Take daily 10 gms thumba juice with 2 black pepper.
  • Throat infection for small children: 1spoon thumba juice with honey
