Adalodakam / Justicia adhatoda / Malabar nut

Justicia adhatoda, commonly known in English as Malabar nut, adulsa, adhatoda, vasa, or vasaka, is a medicinal plant native to Asia, widely used in Siddha Medicine, Ayurvedic, homeopathy and Unani systems of medicine.

Adalodakam is a large shrub that sometimes grows to the size of a small tree, has lance shaped leaves and has been made use of in several Ayurvedic treatments for centuries, because of its Kapha and Pitta combating properties.

Although it is the leaves, which are rich sources of two alkaloids – vasicine and vasicinone – that are used prominently in Ayurvedic remedies, the flowers, roots and seeds are also used in the preparation of several medicines. To put it simply, growing this at home means you have a simple home remedy for cough, right at hand in your garden.

 Medicinal Uses of the Ayurvedic Herb Adalodakam:
  • Adalodakam against Respiratory Disorders
  • Adalodakam to Treat Local Bleeding
  • Adalodakam as a Blood Purifyer
  • Adalodakam for Pregnant and Nursing Mothers
