mahkota dewa / Gods crown / Phaleria macrocarpa

Phaleria macrocarpa is a species of flowering plant in the family Thymelaeaceae. It is commonly called buah mahkota dewa, God's crown, pau and is a dense evergreen tree, indigenous to Indonesia. It is found in tropical areas of New Guinea up to 1,200 m (3,900 ft) above sea level.

Mahkota Dewa fruits are small to medium and oblong in shape, averaging 3-5 centimeters in diameter. The semi-smooth outer skin has small grooves running the length of the fruit and is green when unripe and a vibrant red when mature. The inner flesh is white, fibrous, and watery and contains one to two brown poisonous seeds. Mahkota Dewa cannot be consumed raw, but when processed, it has a slightly sweet flavor.

Mahkota Dewa is poisonous and cannot be consumed raw. It is best suited for cooked applications such as boiling or shredded and dried for use in teas and coffees. One of the most popular methods of preparation is to slice the pulp, sun dry, and add to boiling water. Once the fruit is cooked, strain the pulp from the mixture and consume the hot water as a drink. Mahkota Dewa can also be used dried in a tea form and mixed into coffee sachets. Mahkota Dewa will last for a couple of days fresh when stored in a cool and dry place or the refrigerator if available. Dried Mahkota Dewa pieces will last for months in a sealed container.
